ERS has a proven record preparing and defending soil, geology and groundwater sections of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) sections for a range of complex projects.
Expert Witness
Our founder, Shane Herlihy is a recognised hydrogeological and contaminated land expert who has successfully defended projects at public enquiry and acted as an expert in High Court cases:
- Fingal County Council – five landfill oral hearings before An Bord Pleanála and the EPA.
- Dublin Port Company – contaminated land and environmental risk testimony before the High Court.
- Zurich Insurance – contaminated land and environmental risk testimony before the High Court.
Cork County Council – Irish Steel East Tip Remediation
ERS completed the soil and hydrogeology sections of the EIS for the remediation of the East Tip where industrial waste from the former Irish Steel / Ispat site had historically been deposited within Cork Harbour.
Belvelly Marino Development Company – Former Irish Fertilisers (IFI) Marino Point Redevelopment
ERS completed the hydrogeology section of the EIA for the redevelopment of the former IFI fertiliser manufacturing facility.
Stream Bioenergy – Anaerobic Digestion Development
ERS completed the soil, geology and water sections of the EIA for an Anaerobic Digestion facility developed on a brownfield site.
Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems
ERS has assessed potential impacts to groundwater dependent ecosystems for a range of golf course, water supply and infrastructure projects where protected tufa springs were at risk from the developments. We developed innovative mitigation strategies using artificial groundwater recharge to maintain the hydrological cycle supporting the protected ecosystems.